I have new sewing plans. I've just received the most beautiful fabric from Minerva in a shade called Blush Rose. It's one of their Core Range Medium loop back french terry fabrics and comes in over 100 shades! I would defy anyone not to find their perfect shade in this range.
My idea is to make the Stella Joggers and hoodie set for me and if I have enough left, to make a hoodie for the dog (Charlie), too. He always tries to photobomb my pictures anyway so what better reason to make him a hoodie to match mine.
I'm slightly nervous about a tracksuit at my age but excited too. Watch this space!
Jill x
#MinervaBrandAmbassador #MinervaMakes #MinervaMakers #SewingStella #StellaJoggers #StellaHoodie #BlushRose #MinervaCoreRangeMediumLoopBackFrenchTerryFabric #HoodieDogSweater #EllieAndMacPatterns #TillyandTheButtons #StretchSewingBook